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With a good grounding in their Junior years, our girls make the transition to the Middle School at Year 4, well settled into school routines and ready for more new learning challenges and opportunities.
At this age, they are beginning to take on extra co-curricular activities and to develop a real confidence in their abilities.
Encouraging girls to learn
Our programmes continue to encourage the distinctive learning style of girls, and English, mathematics, social science are all taught by the homeroom teachers in Years 4-6.
In mathematics, the classes are ability grouped by the teacher to allow differentiation for individual needs.
Music, French, Christian education, Speech and Drama, and Physical Education are taught by specialist teachers. Year 5&6 receive specialist science teaching.
Students who may need some extra support are also catered for with a personalised programme.
Middle School Design Time technology allows every student the opportunity to use the following coding robots and gadgets, Mbots, Ozobot, Spheros, makeblock drones and MakeyMakey circuits as well as 3D printing and food technology.