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Boys' School
Enhanced Learning
The Boys’ School recognises that our student population is a diverse group and that some students may require personalised provision to meet their specific needs.
There is a well-established system of support for all learners whether they require individual tutoring for specific learning needs or extension in particular learning areas.
Boys are identified for these programmes through teacher and parent input and the cyclic nature of the programmes ensures that access is kept as broad as possible.
Extension Programmes
We address the needs of our talented students aiming to challenge, enthuse and extend highly intelligent students, developing their love of learning by allowing for independent differentiation within the curriculum.
Both within and outside of the classroom, we provide many opportunities for students to participate in programmes that promote academic rigour and creativity within a supportive and engaging learning environment.
Gifted and Talented students can experience enrichment to broaden their knowledge and acceleration in key areas.
High ability mathematics students are catered for within the Extension Mathematics Programme as well as a differentiated programme which provides extension and enrichment.
In class, this is achieved through curriculum differentiation and a range of ‘beyond the classroom’ projects are on offer to enhance the learning experiences of gifted students. Critical thinking and creative abilities are extended through participating in these learning experiences.
Many additional activities and programs are coordinated, in our endeavour to meet individual learning needs. This includes Mathex Teams, BOOST Extension Writing Programme in Years 7and 8, Expo in Year 6, Robocup Teams, EPro8 Teams, Kids Lit Quiz Teams in Years 6, 7 and 8, ICAS Assessments, External Language assessments, and various other competitions, challenges and quests.
Learning Support
Saint Kentigern Boys’ School teachers and specialists aim to give each student the very best opportunity to achieve his academic potential.
To do this a student may need extra support; after careful assessment he may be tutored and monitored by the Learning Support teachers who stay in close contact with the classroom teachers’ programmes. Extra support is given in class, or in the form of individual or small group tuition. Assistance varies according to need.