Girls Love Flora McDonald Day
26 May 2014
Our Preschool girls had the opportunity to celebrate Flora McDonald Day with the Girls’ School. Tartan accessories – sashes, kilts and ribbons - were added to...
Please register your interest to receive information about places at our Preschool for girls and boys who wish to enter from 2026 onwards!
26 May 2014
Our Preschool girls had the opportunity to celebrate Flora McDonald Day with the Girls’ School. Tartan accessories – sashes, kilts and ribbons - were added to...
26 May 2014
Easter arrived and the excitement of the Easter Bunny arriving with Easter eggs was met with great joy! The children all sang their favourite Easter...
26 May 2014
Our children’s fascination with caterpillars and butterflies led us on a fabulous story book adventure as we explored the much loved Eric Carle book ‘...