
Year 9 Camp at College

March 01, 2022 at 4:08 PM

With the recent cancellation of our Year 9 camp at Totara Springs Matamata, it was fantastic to have been able to have a ‘camp-like’ experience hosted at the College. Over the course of 6 school days, one for each House, our Year 9 students, their Tutors and, for 4 days of the 6 days, with their Year 13 Peer Support leaders, enjoyed an action-packed 12 hours of excitement. The day started with a talk from an outside presenter from Parenting Place, as part of their Attitude schools programme, about our ‘Hauora’ (well-being) and the people who help us stay positive.

Students then built shelters to keep them out of the elements and began a rotation of Climbing Walls, Mountain bikes, Waterslides, Adventure-Based Learning, and Pool activities - complete with the inflatable pool float which was donated to the College by our lovely Parent & Friends community a few years ago. After activities and dinner, topped off by Mr Whippy, students went on the Burma Trail before gathering for a talk around the campfire from our Head of Guidance, Mr Tucker. He built on the morning’s discussion and encouraged our Year 9 students to consider “who is packing your parachute?”

Seeing some very tired students with beaming smiles at the end of the day has made the whole experience rewarding for all involved! With short notice, we are very grateful for the team of people, led by Mr Ronberg, Mr Tucker and others, who have put on such a successful and well-received experience for our students.

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