
Tear Fund Poverty Cycle Challenge

August 10, 2016 at 1:45 PM

On Saturday 27 August, four motivated groups of cyclists, including students, staff, coaches and parents, are representing Saint Kentigern College in the annual Tear Fund ‘Poverty Cycle Challenge’ in and around Clevedon. This fund raising event is open to business and community groups and aims to raise funds for ‘at risk children’ both globally and locally. For a number of years Saint Kentigern has had both staff and student teams take on the challenge to cycle as a team and raise funds for children in need.

Each team is made up of six people, riding two at a time over a six lap circuit. The target for each of our teams is to raise $4000 and we would appreciate your sponsorship support. 100% of the funds raised goes directly to the cause. Last year the Poverty Cycle Ride raised over $125,000.

Sponsorship is a simple to arrange online.

To support the Premier Boys Cycling Teams:
(Henry Mellsop, Edward Barry, Connor Brown, Liam Cappel, James Brown, Sam Titter-Dower)

To support the Prefects’ Team:
(Henry Mellsop, Edward Barry, Sydney Fraser, James Hansen, Aimee Hollis, Cameron Low)

To support the Staff team: 
(Bernard Potter, Stephen Atkinson, Shelane Lomas, Miriam Atkins, Jared Banham, Tab Leonard)

To support the Parents’ team:
(Dave Lindsay, Murray Jordan, Jason Orr, Mark Spring, Phil Houghton-Brown, James Mellsop)

The teams would also welcome your support on the day to cheer them on!

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