
Strengthening relationships and nurturing wellness

July 20, 2022 at 10:02 AM

More than 250 of our Girls’ School mothers and daughters bonded over an early morning Yoga and Pilates exercise, a relaxing breathing meditation and a breakfast smoothie at the new Girls’ School gymnasium recently.

Mothers and daughters started trickling in at dawn, taking the opportunity to catch up with another family friend or introducing themselves to new ones as they found a spot to setup their mats. By 7am, the hall was packed and abuzz with conversation. Once everyone settled in, Mrs Sacha Palmer, a parent, founder of CORE + Co and Girls’ School Parents & Friends (P&F) Chair kick started the exercise before handing over to Ms Sarah Lamb for a session on breathing technique and meditation. Mothers and daughters then proceeded to the function space for a healthy smoothie bowl before getting on with their day, just in time for the girls to start school.

Joining the Wellness Morning was Girls’ School Principal Ms Juliet Small, Trust Board Deputy Chair Mrs Kelly Smith and Trust Board member Mrs Kim McGregor. Each mother received a luxurious goodie bag at the end of the event and one lucky mother Mrs Sarah Riddell won the “Indulgence Prize” from the Park Hyatt Auckland.  

Speaking about the event, Mrs Palmer said, “We wanted to run an event that was different from what we have done before, an event that generated interest from a wide group of mothers. One that revolved around our health and wellbeing especially with Covid raging on. It was also important for us to create an atmosphere where mothers and daughters can bond and feel happy, calm and connected”.

“Thank you to all the mothers who attended and made this morning a special one for themselves and their daughters. We are absolutely delighted with the turnout at the event and our mother’s keen interest to be involved in a wellness event. We are glad that the programme resonated well with mothers and daughters alike and pleased that the gathering provided a platform for families to reconnect again in our new school after such a long time.”

The P&F will provide an update on the proceeds made from this event after their next P&F meeting which is scheduled on Monday 8 August.

The Girls’ School would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the Girls’ School P&F Committee for their immense effort in bringing this event to fruition.

A special thank you to the following sponsors: Kaiz Spa, The Cosmetic Clinic, No Ugly, Dermalogica, Living Nature, La Femme Fleur, Breathe Free, Core+Co Studio, SKI Travel Specialists, Almighty, Eye Magazine, Katrina Browne Naturopath, Otariki Sparkling water, Abel Odor, The Good Honey Company, Lauren Anne Nails, Roar Calisthenics Dance Academy and Bowl & Arrow.


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