
Sharing Hero Stories

May 07, 2018 at 10:58 AM

Over the course of last term, the Year 8 students at the College have been studying the conventions of children’s literature, with the aim of writing their own hero story and supporting it with a visual component. Students were encouraged to experiment with new apps on their laptops and to judge which of the final products they preferred.

As inspiration, the students had studied the nature of Greek myths and after considering the storyline or ‘journey’ of each central character - ‘the heroes’ - they used their learning to plan their own story. In so doing, the students applied their new-found understanding about the narrative features of story-telling, parts of speech and increased vocabulary to create interesting and engaging stories. 

To test their final piece on a discerning audience, the Year 8 girls visited East Tamaki Primary to read their writing and show the visuals they had made. They received a wonderful welcome from the school and their students really enjoyed the interaction. Many girls commented on how they would have liked to stay longer. Some girls barely got to finish their tales as they were so busy answering questions from their inquisitive hosts!

Later in the week, the boys headed to the Boys’ School to coincide with the end of their Book Week. To their surprise, their young buddies were all dressed in character, having just taken part in a parade. The youngsters loved the engagement with the older boys and there were certainly plenty of questions fired their way! 

Both groups of College students enjoyed having a genuine audience for their writing, hearing their own stories come to life and the pleasure of receiving of feedback - a highly valuable experience for our students!


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