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Congratulations to Boys’ School students, Reuben Black (Year 8) and Antoni Dick (Year 6), and Girls’ School students, Chloe Ira (Year 6) and Amelia Duff (Year 8), who were the recipients of this year’s Remuera Lions’ Citizenship Awards. These awards are presented each year by the Remuera Lions Club to students who best exemplify the ideals of the Lions Junior Citizenship Code.
The code includes values such as ‘Honest in word and deed,’ ‘Willing to accept responsibility’ and ‘Generous with your time and talents for the improvement of your community without thought or personal rewards.’
Reuben, Antoni, Chloe and Amelia are worthy recipients of these awards. They were selected for their courtesy, caring natures and consideration of others. We congratulate them on being selected as representatives from Saint Kentigern. At a ceremony hosted by the Lions, the students were presented with their badges to wear with pride on their blazers.
Lions Junior Citizenship Code
Girls’ School recipients:
Chloe Ira Junior Lions Citizenship
Amelia Duff Senior Lions Citizenship
Boys’ School recipients:
Reuben Black Senior Lions Citizenship
Antonio Dick Junior Lions Citizenship
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