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Preschool Welcomes Piglets!

27 July 2016

Preschool Welcomes Piglets!

July 27, 2016 at 9:50 AM

The Preschool welcomed two new residents to its campus during the holidays – a pair of adorable piglets! Five children went with Director of Preschool, Mrs Sue Nash and teacher Abigail to visit Sue’s brother, Dean, a friendly farmer at Kaukapakapa, who has donated the piglets. The excitement generated by the arrival of the new guests into their specially constructed enclosure in our outdoor play area was worth the effort. The piglets have been christened Porky and Patches and are looking right at home interacting with the children especially when the pigs wear their Saint Kentigern jerseys on cold days! They are being fed pellets, fresh vegetables and fruit – but not citrus! – although their favourite is popcorn, biscuits and  bread.

The piglets are the focus for the Preschool’s curriculum for the first few weeks of term. Based on the children’s interest, the learning will include topics such as farming practices, animal life cycles, what animals need to survive and how they are different from people. Relating with animals is also a great way to teach the students about respect for personal space, empathy and caring for others.



Preschool Welcomes Piglets!

July 27, 2016 at 9:50 AM