
North Island Champions

November 01, 2012 at 3:54 PM

Over the course of last weekend our Senior Water Polo team competed in the 16th annual North Island Intermediate Water Polo Championships held at Sacred Heart and Diocesan.

Competition was fierce yet our boys went through the preliminary rounds unbeaten albeit with a draw in Saturday morning’s game against Murrays Bay which obviously gave them a good wake-up call. Making the final on Sunday was in itself a great achievement yet the joy on the boys’ faces as they came from behind to win the final 5 – 2 against a very strong Murrays Bay side said it all.

This is the first time our team has won this competition and I was incredibly impressed with the composure and discipline displayed by all members. Benjamin Fleming led the team superbly well and was the deserving recipient of MVP for the tournament. Calum de Jager and Leo Tattersfield were also acknowledged as outstanding tournament players.

At the end of the day a team is as strong as its weakest member and I felt that all players gave of their best and showed outstanding skill and commitment. The boys can certainly be proud of their achievements as we are proud of them.

They have completed a very successful season and I would like to record my personal thanks to Miss Lane and Mr Hunt for their coaching and enthusiasm, acknowledged by the boys and parents at the end of the tournament.

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