
Celebrating outstanding achievements at the Girls’ School Prizegiving

December 16, 2022 at 4:30 PM

At the very last Girls’ School event of the year, our Girls’ School community congregated to recognise and congratulate outstanding individuals who have gone above and beyond in achieving academic, sporting and cultural success during the year.

In his opening address, Trust Board Chair Mr Mark Connelly asked each girl to reflect on a memorable moment for them during the year and urged them to celebrate all that they have achieved.

Deans from the Junior School, Middle School and Senior Schools then came on stage to acknowledge our top academic achievers with member of the Saint Kentigern Trust Board Mrs Kim McGregor, Executive Trustee Dr Kevin Morris and Chaplain Reverend Reuben Hardie taking turns to present the awards. 

In her speech, Principal Ms Juliet Small referred to 2022 as a millstone year with the school’s move to Shore Road. She said that the school which was built with girls’ learning in mind would be a catalyst for them to thrive, develop, and succeed. Ms Small added, “Our school is a place where our girls feel empowered and have a deep sense of connectedness. You girls have made our new school ‘home’.  I am inspired every time I walk around and see the different ways that they are using the learning spaces.”

The presentation of awards continued for students who performed exceptionally well in performing arts and sports, and then finally the much-awaited Special Awards, which included service awards and the top three DUX, Proxime Accessit and Sportswoman of the Year awards.

During the ceremony, the formalities were interspersed by musical items from the school orchestra and a powerful speech presentation from Chloe Kim-Johnson on the topic of Diversity.

To conclude, graduating Head Girl, Brooke Rowntree delivered a heartfelt thanks to the school before handing over the mantle of leadership to the 2023 Head Girl, Amelia Hardie.

Congratulations to all the girls who received awards and to our 2023 Prefect Team.

DUX: Alina Chen

Alina Chen possesses many fine attributes, including a confident growth mindset and a genuine love of learning.

She has a positive approach and takes pride in all she does, and this quiet determination, resilience, along with the ability to be a critical thinker, has seen her consistently produce and complete work, to excellent standards across all subjects.

Her strength and passion is in writing and she thoroughly enjoys the complexity associated with creative writing.

She has enjoyed all the academic challenges of Year 8 and she now looks forward to the challenges that Year 9 will bring.

Proxime Accessit : Carys Ely

Carys Ely joined the Saint Kentigern community last year as a Year 7 student.

She is an independent and a conscientious student with an enquiring mind and a thirst for knowledge.  In her own word, Carys said, “I love the feeling of accomplishment when I am challenged or have successfully solved a problem. I know I will eventually master it.” This attitude has seen her produce some outstanding results.  

She excels and has shown much success in English, Science, and the Arts. Her diligent attitude and love of learning saw her eagerly involved in the Kids Lit competition this year. 

Sportswoman of the Year: Morgan Day

Year 7 Morgan Day has proven to be an outstanding athlete. Her work ethic, mindset and perseverance has resulted in amazing results. As a competitive Racewalker, she has achieved many accolades including the NZ Road Racewalk National Champion for U14 Girls 2000m, Auckland Road Racewalk Championship record holder for U14 Girls 2000m, Auckland Athletics U14 Racewalk champion and record holder for 2000m, Auckland Champion and record holder for 11 year old 1200m and Auckland Residents record for 11 year old Girls 1200m.  

Morgan has also competed in a variety of track and field events at the North Island and South Island Colgate Athletics Games in January while representing her Pakuranga club. At the South Island Games, she came 3rd in the 11 year old Girls 800m race, 3rd in the medley relay team and 2nd in the mixed medley relay. At the North and South Island games, she came 1st in the 1200m racewalk. She also competed in the Auckland Athletics Championship placing 2nd in the 3000m race.   

At school, Morgan actively competed in many sporting codes including Cross Country, Athletics, Football and Touch Rugby, and was part of the Aims Games, with placings in many interzone events.

She was also awarded the Footballer of the Year.

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