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Marking the official end of their primary school years, the Girls’ School Year 8 Graduation Dinner was again held at Sorrento Restaurant in the tranquil grounds of Cornwall Park. Family, friends and invited guests gathered together on the still and sunny evening to celebrate and reflect on the girls’ time at the School as they prepare to start their College life in 2015.
Dr Sandra Hastie, Principal of the Girls’ School warmly welcomed all guests followed by Mr Andrew Morgan, President of the Old Collegians Association who gave the sponsor’s address. Deputy Head Girl of the College, Lucy Eden was then introduced by Lucy Frazer, the fellow Deputy at the Girls’ School.
Lucy’s ‘big sister’ pearls of wisdom to the girls were to ‘rise above gossip, remember to look out for those who don’t know anyone, get involved, be thankful and ask for help in class.’ She asked each girl next year to meet the challenges that they face straight on with their head held high and heart wide open, excelling in everything they do; and striving for excellence in every task, large or small.
Following the main course, guest speaker for the evening and Saint Kentigern parent of three, Jane Hastings gave a heartfelt and inspirational talk. Jane is CEO of NZME - New Zealand’s premier integrated media company with a portfolio of market leading newspapers, radio, digital and magazine titles that engage with 2.9 million people every week.
She began her management career at Air New Zealand, followed by working in senior leadership roles in Asia and Australasia. Her message to the girls was clear, ‘make sure that whatever you do, you’re true to yourselves and always listen to your gut.’
Head Girl, Emerald Bendall then spoke on behalf of all of the Year 8 leavers thanking the teachers for making them who they are today - independent, confident and hungry for success. ‘You have prepared us for our next step, at whatever secondary school we attend. You have mentored us, directed us and encouraged us along our way and we thank you for your commitment and dedication.’
We welcomed back former 2013 Head Girl of the College, Sharnika Leleni who has now completed her first year of law at the University of Auckland. Sharnika told the girls that as they get older Dr Hastie will be a person that they can visit for advice and mentoring. ‘It is important’, she said ‘especially as we are all female, to have very wise and strong women in our lives and that we continually challenge ourselves so we reach our potential.’
In her final address of the evening, Dr Hastie shared how a respected mentor of hers told her that people will not remember what she said, but they would remember how she I made them feel. She said it is something that continually sits with her as she works with others and believes the essence of that comes down to being kind. ‘Girls I encourage you to be kind to others, no matter who they are, what race, gender or age.
Kindness will get you far in this life, it is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. I also encourage you to be kind to yourself – your inner voice that at times tells you that you are not smart enough, thin enough, tall enough or that your dream for the future is not achievable. Trust and believe in the incredible power of the human mind.’
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