
College Rock Band Showcase 2020

July 02, 2020 at 1:33 PM

Being offered earplugs at the door of the Music Centre last night was the first clue that this was to be a music evening a little different from the more usual fare of symphony, chamber, concert, vocal, pipes and jazz! 

Thirteen rock bands and one solo artist from across the year groups rocked the house!  From rock classics to contemporary hits and original song writing, our students put nerves aside to perform in front of an encouraging audience. The younger students, in particular, learnt that it was one thing to practise in a band room but another to play to live – they clearly loved it!

Music students usually have several opportunities throughout the year to take part in these rock evenings but with Covid-19 cancelling many events, this was the first opportunity for our contemporary music students to perform this year. Students are encouraged to write their own songs under the direction of Mr Geordie McCallum and to help with their writing, the music department runs specific workshops during the year and calls on professionals from the music industry to take students through writing sessions. It was great to hear seven of these original pieces last night. 

The College Rock Programme has continued to grow over the years and last night’s performances, energy and keen audience was a great example of this. Our congratulations to all the students who took part in the evening. Well done!

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