
Boys' School Year 7 Learn Importance of Mangroves

November 20, 2014 at 8:53 AM

IMG_8267.JPGMangrove estuaries provide protection and a home for many plants and animals. The Boys’ School is fortunate to have this unique bio-community bordering the school grounds on the edge of Hobson Bay. Ease of access makes it ideal topic of study 

During the course of Term 4, our Year 7 boys have been studying mangrove communities with each class taking the opportunity to visit the mangroves.  During these field trips the boys have been surveying a one metre square area to count the number of aerial roots (pneumatopores), welks, topshells, lugworms, mud crabs and crab holes.  In such a small area, when the concentration is focussed, the boys can observe so much. Sadly, we also observed a large amount of household rubbish including building waste.

IMG_8273.JPGOur key learning has been about increasing the boys’ knowledge of the mangroves and their importance as wildlife areas. We have been discussing the socio-scientific issues around mangrove removal and we hope that the boys will develop an appreciation for this unique environment.

Our special thanks to Dr Claudette Weir who has been teaching science to the Year 7 boys this term.


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