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With thanks to Boys’ School Football coach, Mr David Hessey
It has been nearly two years since we last went on tour, so we had some super excited boys heading to Wellington to play football and hockey. Everything went to plan with the bus being on time and the plane not delayed by fog, although all of us did miss that the prime minister was on our flight!
Once landed in Wellington, we headed straight to Fraser Park in Lower Hutt where Hutt International Boys’ School, Scots, Wellesley and ourselves were set to play in the afternoon. Hutt International and Scots played first, so we had some time to eye up the opposition for the next day! We were next on the field, playing against Wellesley. The football team played on the Phoenix training ground which was astro-turf where the ball ran straight and true. The football team had a good win, 5-1.
The hockey boys played right next door and also had a good win 6-0. With the games finished for the day the boys were billeted with Wellesley for the evening. We were all looking forward to two games tomorrow.
Another beautiful, cold, windy day in Wellington. The boys were dropped off at Fraser Park by their billets. In the morning, they played Scots. Both teams had an impressive win with hockey winning 8-0 and football winning 3- 0.
The boys had lunch in the Rioch Sports Centre, which is the home of the Phoenix Academy. They were able to watch the Phoenix reserve team practice and then the Director of the Academy spoke to the boys. The afternoon games were against Hutt International (HIBS) and they proved to be the toughest opposition of the quadrangular. Hockey lost to a determined HIBS side 2-1, however, football won 3-0 with some great one touch passing and full use of the field.
After two nights billeting with Wellesley, the football boys were dropped off at Scots and the hockey boys dropped off at the National Hockey Stadium. Both teams had made the finals against HIBS. Having lost to HIBS the day before, the hockey boys were determined to reverse the score board. The boys played extremely well but it was a draw 1-1 at the final whistle and HIBS got the upper hand in the penalty shoot out.
Football had beaten HIBS fairly easily the day before, but the HIBS had back players who had been competing in cross country and the boys found themselves facing a much tougher team! However, they came out victorious with a well earnt 3-2 victory.
Having had three fantastic days of competitive sport, it was time for some sightseeing, and we headed to Te Papa for some down time before being billeted by Scots for our last night.
This was a fantastic three days of sport and camaraderie with our boys facing new competition away from Auckland with very pleasing results. The boys were great ambassadors for Saint Kentigern!
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