
Boys' School Mothers' Morning Tea

May 11, 2021 at 4:20 PM

Ko taku aroha ki a koe he teitei ake i te rangi, he hōhonu ake i te moana, he whānui ake i te ao tukupū
My love for you stretches higher than the heavens, deeper than the ocean, wider than the universe. 

After the disappointment of not being able to hold last year’s annual Mothers’ Morning Tea, when New Zealand was placed in a nationwide Covid-19 lockdown, today, Principal, Mr Peter Cassie was absolutely delighted to be able to dust off his apron, pick up and pot of tea and warmly welcome our Boys’ School mothers onto campus for a morning in their honour.

Whenever the Boys’ School needs assistance to put on an event, take a trip or simply needs an extra pair of hands to lighten the load, it is inevitable that our mothers are the first port of call with a request for help. Sold out every year, the Mothers’ Morning Tea has become the one occasion when they can step back and let others do the work. It is a chance for our mothers to sit down, get comfortable for an hour or so, and not be disturbed by the demands of parenthood; an occasion where they can go ‘missing’ and be assured of not being ‘found,’ while they have a chance for a cup of tea, something good to eat and some grown up company!

But first, our mothers took the opportunity to visit their son’s classrooms, where activities were set up to share - with much laughter ringing across campus - before they were piped to the hall by Alex Hewes. Isaac Changplayed the piano whilst guests found their seats. With every single seat taken, our guests settled back to enjoy a rousing performance of Duke Ellington’s ‘It don’t mean a thing, if you ain’t got that swing’ by the Performers’ Choir. 

More than anyone, Mr Cassie recognises the value of the contribution by our mothers and so this is the day that he and his team of Year 8 helpers put their school work aside, don their aprons and get down to the serious business of waiting on some very important members of the Boys’ School community! With tea pot in hand, Mr Cassie cheerfully headed around the room, closely followed by Reverend Hardie and Mr Aspinall wielding coffee pots, while the boys with milk jugs followed on behind! 

Guest speaker was well-known radio and TV broadcaster, Stacey Morrison, whose projects, along with her husband, Te Karere presenter Scotty Morrison, have spanned 25 years. In that time, she has worked in front of, and behind the camera, on a range of shows and has written books on learning Te Reo, alongside her husband. She is passionate about Te Reo and encouraged our mothers to embrace the language.

In speaking to the mothers Stacey said, ‘We are united in the blessing we have to be mothers and in the strength we can share with one another.’ Having lost her mother to breast cancer, Stacey has been determined to give back to the community in her mother’s name and so has taken on the role of ambassador for the Breast Cancer Foundation and their Pink Ribbon appeal. All profits from the morning tea will go towards the Foundation.

With his apron back on the peg, the final word was given to Mr Cassie. In thanking Stacey he said, ‘When you speak from the heart as you did, you bring life to your message.’

In addressing the mothers he said, ‘I congratulate you all on the fine job you are doing – it is clearly evidenced by what we see in your sons at school.’ With his trademark tongue-in-cheek humour, he told the mothers that he doesn’t always get Mother’s Day right and so is planning a conference on the subject for all the fathers next year!

We offer our sincere thanks to parent, Mrs Sarah Wilby for organising this morning’s event and to her team of fellow helpers for all their work to ensure the morning ran smoothly with plenty to eat and drink. Donations this year will be made to the Pink Ribbon Appeal

Our sincere thanks to the following businesses who donated towards the Spot Prizes:

Made for Baby, Number 1 Currency, Jan Waite Hairdressing, Rochelle Sheldon, Food Snob


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