
Boys' School Art on Display

November 05, 2019 at 9:03 AM

The 2019 Auckland Intermediate Schools’ Art Exhibition was once again held at Silo Park in Wynyard Quarter, Downtown Auckland.  The amazing space inside the old cement silos gave the opportunity for our boys to show off their artistic skills in a truly amazing venue. This year, the selected thirteen boys represented the School with works ranging from fused glass platters to laser cut sculptures.

In Year 8 this year, they have been working in two distinct groups. One group has been learning about different styles of print making and the other group about how to design and create wooden sculptures utilising the laser cutter.

The Printing module included two types of printing, utilising the mediums of foam and wood. The skills of photography, design, sketching, template creation, wood carving and printing using ink were developed.

In Laser Cut Sculptures, the process was simple. It involved designing and cutting out black paper templates, ready for the laser cutter. These were scanned and then the laser cuts out the exact shape they have created.  This process allows the boys to express their own ideas by researching and then creating works that displayed their own creativity and ideas. 

The Year 7 Boys studied Glass Fusing and how to create mosaic pictures using cut glass. They created designs of their own choice by making a template then cutting the glass to create their picture. The glass was glued onto a base then fired twice in the kiln - the first to fuse the glass together and the second to slump it in a mould to form a usable dish.

The Exhibition opening saw an enthusiastic crowd welcomed, with a positive response for the boys’ work. Well done to those boys in Years 7&8 whose work was selected for display.

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