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Today the College recognised four members of staff who between them have given 95 years of service to Saint Kentigern: English and Horticulture teacher, Richard Fullerton was acknowledged for 20 years, whilst Head of Year 7, Kevin Taylor; Director of IT, Walter Chieng; and PE Teacher, Malcolm Cowie have each given 25 years.
Twenty five years ago in 1988, the College had 48 staff, the administration team comprised three secretaries and the roll was just over 900 students. Jump forward to 2013 and the combined College staff has grown in excess of 200 and the number of students has doubled.
Kevin Taylor said he was asked, ‘How can you do the same job every day for 25 years?’ His response mirrored that of the other three, ‘It has not been the same job.’ Change has been a constant throughout their time; each has worked for three different Headmasters, they have seen as huge growth in the roll, in staffing and in developments on campus. They have seen girls arrive and settle to find their place in a former all boys’ college and been a part of the huge change that ever-evolving IT systems have brought to teaching, learning and administration. It is the ever-changing work environment that has inspired them over the years, along with the remarkable camaraderie and support amongst the staff and their daily dealings with courteous, highly motivated students.
Chairman of the Trust Board, Dr Bruce Goodfellow closed by saying that there is a growing number of long-serving staff and it is staff such as these who are the backbone of Saint Kentigern; committed, passionate people who are driven to do the best job possible for our students.
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