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The Boys’ and Girls’ School combined Pipes and Drums opened this year’s Boys’ School Prizegiving with their first ever performance, to great applause, before Piper, David Allan, led our staff and invited guests to their seats for the very last Saint Kentigern event of the year. Students, their families, guests and teachers filled the Old Collegians Sport Centre, at the College campus, to congratulate this year’s prize winners on their academic, sporting and cultural success.
In his opening words, Principal, Mr Peter Cassie said, ‘Today signals the formal conclusion to the 2014 school year and it is fitting that we are gathered as an entire community to celebrate the achievements and successes of all students.
To the boys in Year 0 who have just begun their educational journey in the school system, to those in Year 8 who have one foot out the door eagerly awaiting the next stage of their education, it is fitting to complete the year recognising the huge contribution and many successes you have achieved academically, culturally or on the sports field, as well as acknowledging the very real service and citizenship that you have provided.’
This year the Junior and Middle School Awards were presented by retiring staff member, Mr Barry Kemp; we thank him for his years of service in the Middle School. Longstanding Trust Board member and School advocate, Mrs Rosemary Harris presented the Music, Speech and Cultural Awards; Head of Primary, Dr Sandra Hastie presented the Senior Awards; and Dr Bruce Goodfellow presented the Christian Living and Service Awards. We thank them for their time and constant support of the School. Our special congratulations goes to this year’s Dux, Gibson Nevill.
In his formal address, Mr Cassie said, ‘A school is like a super city – many distinct groups that have to work together for a common goal. Trust Board, Parents, Staff, Junior School, Middle School and the Senior School. All groups have different needs or outcomes requiring a different approach.
One size does not fit all, therefore, the varying ages and stages of our education must show the necessary progression to ensure boys are well-prepared for the next level. Academic rigour is important, but in order to develop the all-round man, we also need to inspire creativity, entrepreneurship and resilience and to ingrain service and leadership from an early age.’
He gave his thanks to all the staff, the Prefect team whose student leadership has been exemplary this year and the parents and families of our boys, ‘Without your continued support and enthusiasm and willingness to get involved we could not provide your sons with such amazing opportunities.’
To conclude, graduating Head Boy, Benjamin Lerner made his final Valedictory Speech before handing the mantle of leadership to the new Head Boy for 2015, Michael Hiddleston. Benjamin shared his eight years as a Saint Kentigern boy highlighting the wide range of opportunities he had enjoyed.
He said, above all others, the School had opened his eyes through the service programme to the reality that there are youngsters the same age as him in NZ and throughout the world whose lives are not as privileged and who need support. His said that his recent visit to deliver hampers to Wymondley School had been one of the most humbling experiences of his life; not one he would forget.
We wish all our families well for a safe and relaxing holiday period.
Gibson has been a self-motivated and diligent student who has received many awards for excellence during his time at the School. This year his combined marks were: English 89.37%, Maths 95%, Social Science 95%, Science 82% creating a total 362 and an average 90.5%. In his examination marks only Gibson earned: English 95%, Maths 96%, Social Science 94%, Science 87%. This was a total of 372 with an average of 93%. Gibson is a worthy recipient of the Foundation Pupil Cup for Dux.
The Jubilee Cup for Proxime Accessit was awarded to Steven Cho. Steven’s combined marks were: English 89.69%, Maths 96%, Social Science 84%, Science 88% creating a total of 358 with an average of 89.5%. In his examination marks only, Steven earned: English 91%, Maths 96%, Social Science 82%, Science 98%, giving a total of 367 with an average of 91.75%
The Ross Perry Cup for Senior Sportsman of the Year goes to Bronson Gleye who has represented the School in many sporting codes: 1st XV rugby, A Softball team, A Basketball Ball team, Eastern Zone Swim team, Inter Zone Swim team, NIPS Snowboard team and the A Water Polo team which won Winterfest, the North Island Champiopnsships, Tim Sonderer and the Super City competition.
Additional Special Prizes:
Sam McLeod: Brian Matthew’s Citizenship Cup (Junior School)
Thomas King: Junior Citizenship Cup (Middle School)
Zachary Morrow: Senior Citizenship Cup
Sam Looker: Rex Hooton Cup for School Spirit
Benjamin Lamb: Joel Campbell Memorial Trophy
Samuel Jackson: Knox Family Lion Heart Award
Charles Wilkes: AW Smith Cup for Middle School Sportsman of the Year