
20 Years’ Service Recognised

March 18, 2019 at 4:05 PM

Today, at a special staff morning tea held in his honour, Middle College Principal, Mr Duncan McQueen, was thanked by Dr John Kernohan, Chairman of the Trust Board, for his 20 years of loyal service to Saint Kentigern. Head of Saint Kentigern, Mr David Hodge also acknowledged Mr McQueen’s significant input and the impact he has had on countless numbers of students over the years. 

Mr McQueen started at Saint Kentigern in Term 4, 1998 as a relieving Science teacher for one term - and has been here ever since!  Over the years, he has held a variety of leadership roles but is most widely remembered firstly as Head of Middle School, before he was appointed as Principal of the Middle College during restructuring of the College; a role that commenced at the start of 2017.  

In his speech, Mr McQueen thanked past Principals, Reverend David Williams and Mr Warren Peat for the opportunities they offered for career advancement. He also acknowledged the immense work of the Trust Board, Dr John Kernohan and his predecessor, Dr Bruce Goodfellow. 

Saint Kentigern has family at its heart and he expressed thanks to the staff for their continued friendship, love and support, in particular, acknowledging the significance of working alongside Senior College Principal, Mrs Suzanne Winthrop for many years. His final thanks were for his own family - his wife and children who are unfailing in their support of his role and Saint Kentigern. 

Reflecting back, he highlighted the benefit of maintaining a ‘gratitude attitude’ and stated that he has tried to live by the vision of Saint Kentigern to ‘Serve and Lead with Distinction.’ He challenged all staff to be servants to each other, and leaders of learning inside and outside the classroom. 

Our sincere thanks to Mr McQueen for all he has done and continues to do. He is a true and loyal servant of Saint Kentigern.

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