
SKOCA Pipe Band

For generations, pipers have inspired their comrades and terrified their opponents. 

They stir the blood and make you feel part of something great. It’s something which you can’t put a price on. It’s the love of that tradition that brings together former College pipers and drummers who meet regularly as The Old Collegians' Highland Pipe Band. 

The group provides an ongoing social focus for those with an interest in the culture and history of the College but it also provides an opportunity for past pupils to remain involved in the College. Players take a keen interest in teaching younger students at the College.

The Saint Kentigern Old Collegians' Association uses its own pipe band as a highly visible and distinctive means of promoting the Saint Kentigern name to the wider community. The band also performs an important role in providing music, entertainment and a sense of ceremony to the Association’s annual functions and special events. The Old Collegians' Pipe Band is increasingly recognised as one of Auckland’s top pipe bands and has been a regular and consistent prize winner in local band championships.

Saint Kentigern SKOCA Pipe Band.jpg

As ambassadors for the Association, the band has appeared regularly around Auckland promoting the Saint Kentigern name whilst dressed in the Ancient MacFarlan tartan. They are constantly in demand for local parades, festivals and promotions.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Saint Kentigern Old Collegians' pipe band or would like a piper or even a full Pipe Band for a wedding or corporate event, please contact