
Regional Recognition at Young Enterprise Scheme Awards

November 06, 2018 at 2:47 PM

The Young Enterprise Scheme (YES), a programme that encourages innovation and provides foundation business skills for the next generation of business leaders, is offered as a co-curricular opportunity in the Senior College. Teams of students, who take on this year-long commitment, create their own unique product or service, form a YES business at the start of the school year, and take it to market. Throughout the year, they attend events that mirror the process start-up businesses go through – including developing business and marketing plans, receiving guidance and mentoring from business people, and presenting their ideas to a live audience at the Dragon’s Den events. 

Recently, six of our Year 12 Young Enterprise Scheme students, comprising two teams, were invited to attend the East Auckland Regional Finals held at the B:Hive in Smales Farm, Takapuna. The top ten East Auckland teams, from an original competition of 58, were invited to pitch for Overall Company of the Year for a chance to attend the Nationals. Whilst a spot in the National competition remained just out of reach, our students were nevertheless pleased to have their work acknowledged with awards. 

Lenzo Dog Treats (Megan Yen and Yasmine Byrne) were awarded 3rd place in the Regional Overall Company of the Year and Excellence in Product Development. 

Miracle Mum (Margaret Li, Richard Lu, Cindy Yi and Arul Gaundar) received an award for ‘Start-up Company of the Year.’ 

Year 12 students, Yasmine Byrne and Megan Yen report on their experience.

This year we decided to take part in the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) as a co-curricular at College. The Young Enterprise Scheme allows students to start their own business and work through the whole year on several tasks in order to reach the goal of the most successful business. As our business idea, we decided to take our passion for dogs and create a dog treat company which we named Lenzo, after our dogs Louie and Enzo. Through this experience, we were given the knowledge of starting our own business and were able to gain skills that will stay with us in the future, including a background in finance, marketing and the general knowledge of sustaining a business. 

With a lot of dedication throughout the year, we always found Lenzo coming out close to the top for almost every task we had to complete including market research, a 5 minute pitch and an annual review which lead to us pitching in the East Auckland regional finals against the top 10 teams out of the 58 teams from various schools competing, one of the teams included another YES company from Saint Kentigern College, Miracle Mum. At the end of this night we were happy to hear that Lenzo achieved third place for the Overall Company of the Year and gained Excellence in Product Development. 

Overall, the Young Enterprise Scheme has been an amazing experience to partake in, leaving us having a successful business and being able to gain so much knowledge about the business community. We are very proud of our achievements and look forward to continuing with Lenzo Dog Treats.

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