
Making A Virtual Assembly

May 22, 2020 at 4:30 PM

Even though all our students are now back at school, at Covid-19 Alert Level 2, there are still restrictions in place regarding large gatherings, hence our Chapel Services and assemblies are still being conducted in a ‘virtual’ environment.

Whereas during Lockdown, all material was prepared in home bubbles by individuals for collation to one video, today, at the end of the first full week back at school, Boys’ School Year 8 media option students, Ollie Smith and Jack Webber took on the duty of directing the filming of the first return to school assembly. Once edited, it will be broadcast to the boys and their families next week.

To allow for spacing, the only boys present in the Hall were the choir, the kapa haka group, the boys who are new to the Boys’ School this term and those receiving special awards – all sitting spread out.

Whilst Ollie and Jack got filming underway, Mr Cassie addressed his virtual audience, expressing his absolute delight at having the boys back on site and to hear the chatter and laughter. 

Mr Cassie handed out the awards and made a special mention of all the new boys. As is traditional, after receiving their badges, these boys stood to attention whilst the Kapa Haka group performed the School Haka before the choir sang ‘Te Aroha’ in welcome.

We’ve loved having the students back at school this week and to be able to return to teaching and learning in person. We look forward to when the government announces that we can return to gathering groups so we can once again bring all our boys into the Hall to celebrate together.

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