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After weeks of training, the day of the annual Halberg Games had finally arrived last week for the girls who were all ready to compete in this year's Skip Off and Cross Fit Challenge! Dressed in their most fabulous and funky sports gear, all of the students looked fantastic and had fun whilst raising money for the Halberg Disability Sport Foundation.
The Foundation’s aim is to enhance the lives of physically disabled New Zealanders by enabling them to participate in sports and recreation and was founded by Olympic Champion Sir Murray Halberg. The charity’s community programme, the ‘Halberg AllSports Programme’, works with physically disabled young people and their families to ensure they don’t miss out on health, wellness and social benefits that sport provides.
The girls had two ways they could raise money for Halberg; by participating on Halberg Day in their most colourful or creative sporting outfit with a $2 gold coin donation or by collecting sponsorship for the Games from family and friends. The timetable was split into three sessions and competitions across the day; the Year 0-3 Jump Off, Year 4-6 Crossfit Games followed by the Year 7-8 Crossfit Games.
The Junior School girls started the morning session with their circuit relay and really thrived on the huge show of support from their peers sitting on the sidelines and the pumping music in the hall. By lunchtime, the Middle School girls had worked hard completing their gruelling Cross Fit circuit as many times as possible against the clock!
We were pleased to welcome special guest and Chief Executive of the Halberg Foundation, Mr Geoff Burgess who came to spectate and reminded the girls of the good cause that their hard work was contributing to.
With Dr Hastie cheering on the side lines, the girls all tried their best and showed some impressive stamina. In the final session of the day, there was great teamwork and encouragement within the Senior teams’ timed activities, and it was certainly fun to watch the handovers of the chicken sprint up the hill!
It was a fabulous fun-filled day, enjoyed by all and a fantastic effort in raising funds to help change the lives of physically disabled New Zealanders through sport and recreation.
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