
Celebrating the Arts Evening 2017

October 20, 2017 at 3:16 PM

In absolute spectacular fashion, the Celebrating the Arts evening was held last night which brought a close to the performing arts calendar.  It is a time to celebrate the amazing talent we have at the College but also a time to reflect on the year that has passed. After another very successful year for the arts, the night came together without a hitch. The Jazz Combo played as our guests arrived and took the opportunity to view the Visual Art displays from our NCEA Year 11 and 12 art students. 

The Pipes and Drums opened the evening, making a grand entrance onto the Elliot Hall stage. Hosted by Head of Performing Arts, Mrs Jane Horder and Arts Prefect, Amelia Aryes the evening offered a mix of entertainment while awarding those students who have dedicated many mornings, lunchtimes and evening hours to the arts, achieving great things and succeeding in their field.  After each award presentation there were performances from, solo dancers, Erin Meek and Jo Crawford, the Tongan cultural dance group, the Premier Theatre sports team, a Year 12 devised drama piece and a beautiful performance by the Chamber Orchestra with Sid Chand.   

This has been a fantastic year for our music groups and soloists, some are our Pipes and Drums holding onto their U19 Auckland grade title for the ninth year in a row, the Chamber Orchestra winning Gold and being in the Top 4 at KBB, and Owen Fan winning both the NZ and South Pacific Junior Virtuoso Accordion Championship title. Our Senior College productions received 22 nominations for both actors and crew for the Auckland Showdown Awards which will be held at Sky City Theatre on October 26, we look forward to those results. 

As our dance programme continues to grow, worthy of mention is Year 13 student, Jo Crawford who has been accepted into Transit Dance, a contemporary dance training institute in Australia for 2018 and Year 13 student, Erin Meek has been accepted into the New Zealand School of Dance for 2018. As well as this, she has been accepted into the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts WAAPA in Perth, Transit Dance in Melbourne and is on the wait list for the Sydney Dance Company. Outstanding achievements for both Erin and Jo. 

The most anticipated item of the evening was who would be crowned ‘Performer of the Year’. An exceptional programme is only made possible by the dedication of students which made the decision this year, extremely difficult. But there was one student who stood out covering all areas of the arts – Braydon Robinson.

At the College, the teachers have worked very hard over many years to develop what has become a leading Performing Arts programme.  Our Musical, Cultural, Dance and Drama productions are exceptional. Our music programme dominates in a number of areas making us arguably the strongest single school music programme in Auckland.  Our exceptional dramatists have sat at the top of both the Sheliah Winn and Theatresports competitions and our Dance students compete at an international level and in many cases moving on to pursue careers in dance. 

An exceptional programme is made possible by the dedication of extraordinary students who deliver performances of the highest calibre.  This year, through our productions and each performing arts subject’s co-curricular programme there have been numerous outstanding performers making the decision to pick one extremely difficult. 

Braydon Robinson was named Performer of the Year – he is a chorister, actor, singer and orator.  He was a finalist in this year’s Solo Music Competition, a multiple nominee at the Showdown Awards, a double Gold winning chorister and has had exceptional speech competition results. You probably know him best as King Arthur, Javert, Judge Turpin, King Lear and of course Humpy Dumpty. 

While this award is specifically for Braydon’s performances this year – his success as a performer stretches back to his time in the Middle College.  Many may recall his imposing frame as Bill Sykes in the 2014 Middle College production of Oliver. Having shown significant potential in that show Brayden went on to feature in a further eight roles in the College, through Senior College Musical and Drama Productions and the Sheilah Wynn Shakespeare Festival. 

His singing led to a successful audition for the choral programme, a Gold Award at the National Finale of the Big Sing with Menasing in 2015 and Kentoris in 2016, and a Silver with both this year. Outside the College Braydon is a member of the Auckland Youth Choir which sang at New York’s famous Carnegie Hall in 2016. Anyone who has seen Braydon perform knows that he is a formidable and unforgettable presence and without question a worthy recipient of the 2017 Performer of the Year. 


Criteria: Covers Choral music, large ensembles and small ensembles (of all forms). Pipe & Drums have their own badge but the same criteria applies. The badge is awarded after two full year of membership in an auditioned College Ensemble which involves at least two terms of regular rehearsals and takes part in regular performance opportunities. 

Izzy Bayley

Jacob Borland-Lye

Isabella Bostock

Selena Chen

Chloe Child

Mackensie Cooper

Sajith Dhambagolla

Yu Chen Dong

Solomon Fifita

Joshua Ng

Ebba Olsen

Ji Myung Park

Laura Porteous

Pavel Pavlenko

Antalya Stevens

Kristen Tay

Yunfan Yu

William Zhang


Criteria: This award applies only to students involved in the Senior Drama Production, Musical, Dance Festival (and any other significant College production). This award is presented to all students participating; be it on stage, cast and crew, make up and technical aspects of productions. The badge will be awarded for involvement in any 3 productions over any number of years while in the Senior School. 

Philippa Campbell

Will Clark

Christine Chu

Olivia Dodd

Matis Ellehuus

Amelia Elliott

Jordana Grant

Jason Hatton

India Holder

Ashlin McGrath

Rafe MacDonald

Kate Romans

Cameron Tanner

Madison Whitford-Joynt

Hannah Williams

Michelle Zhou

Re – Awarded Production (Acknowledgment – no badge)

These students have met the criteria twice over during their time in Senior School

They have been involved in 6 major productions during their 3 years and are acknowledged tonight for their significant contribution to the Performing Arts at the College. 

Amelia Ayres

Isabella Denholm

Matthew Dwen

Alyssa Hatton

Braydon Robinson

Stella Taylor

Erin Meek

Jo Crawford


Criteria: Covers involvement other than the major College productions i.e. Theatre Sports, Sheilah Winn etc. The badge is awarded to members of the premier Theatre Sports team after one full year of competition. The badge is awarded to member of the Sheilah Winn team over two years competing at regional level. 

Amelia Ayres

Sam Ashton

Jack Horsnell

Yasmin Shakes

Lockie Harvey


Criteria: This badge is awarded to students who have been involved with the Cultural Group for over 2 years with a high level of attendance (80% minimum) and demonstration of an advanced level of skill and cultural understanding together with Leadership through coaching, organisation and mentoring of the group members.

Tevita Ahokovi

Makerita Isaako

Valance Yates



Lauren Aspoas                  Music, Drama and Production


Matthew Farnell                              Production, Drama


Both of these students have been involved in Music and Productions. 

James Fisher

Nicholas Scott 


Criteria: Awarded after one full year of involvement if the student has reached the required standard as an auditioned and selected player at full competition level.

(NB. The Glengarry Cap badge is awarded on selection to Pipes & Drums) 

Alice Smith

Jack Cooper


James Little

Gareth Lacey

Fraser McEwen

James Milner

Lewis Hoggard 


Criteria: Students who have been involved in at least 12 debates in the Premier competition with a clear commitment to competition (equivalent to one full year of involvement). Demonstration of an advanced level of skill. 

Joshua Looker

Irena Beddington-Behrens

Jamie Martini-Tibbs 


Criteria: Individual selection and performance in a recognised National performance group or winning a National Dance competition. 

Elise Conway

Josephine Crawford

Molly Griffiths

Kate Romans

Raychel Tapsell

Madison Whitford-Joynt -  who also receives a Silver Fern


Criteria: To qualify for a New Zealand Silver Fern you must have represented New Zealand in your chosen Performing Arts area in any age group. You must have either trialled or gone through a selection process and competed or performed internationally. 

Owen Fan
Competed and won both the NZ and South Pacific Junior Virtuoso Accordion Championship titles.  He was then selected to represent NZ at the World Accordion Championships in Italy where he placed 10th in the world. 

Renee Salesa

Represented NZ at the World Hip Hop Championships.  Renee and her crew placed 10th in the World in the Varsity Mega Crew Division.

Renee also receives Dance Colours. 


Amelia Ayres

Eilidh McGregor              

Crystal Sun

Philippa Campbell


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