
Cargill Top College Foodbank Collection

June 22, 2020 at 3:00 PM

Our Saint Kentigern schools have had a long association helping to fill the Presbyterian Support Northern Foodbank at St David’s Presbyterian Church in the central city. Sadly, the need is great in our city and food parcels are distributed to thousands of families each year. Each family can be supplied food for four days no more than twice a year if they have run into financial difficulty. At the same time they are given budgeting advice.

With the weeks spent in Lockdown due to Covid-19, we are aware that there are many more vulnerable families in the wider Auckland community who are facing increasing financial pressure, and this is affecting their ability to put food on the table for their families.

During Lockdown, our Saint Kentigern families were encouraged to continue to offer their support to Foodbank online, but with the return to school, the College student Service Council, headed by Year 13 students, Morgan Roberts and Holly Simmons, are back in action! 

The Foodbank call went out at the College for the donation of non-perishable pantry staples, and from early on Friday, Morgan, Holly and their fellow College prefects, along with a service team from Year 7, got busy as the food items started to pour into Elliot Quad! The College minivans and trailers were lined up and were soon packed to the gunnels to make the trip into the city! 

The Foodbank volunteers were pleased to see the vans pull up and a group of keen students jump out to give them a hand to unload a small mountain of food items. These will be made up into parcels by the volunteers and given to clients who meet the criteria.  

Foodbank brings out fierce competition between the College Houses as each House vies to collect the highest number of food items and see whose flag can be run up the flagpole. With the students divided between six houses, the competition is pretty keen and this term, it was Cargill who donated the most items.

But the true purpose, of course, is to stock the shelves for those individuals and families in our wider community who face difficult times, many of whom are in desperate need.  We accord a big thank you to our parents for your family’s support of this cause, and especially to those who have connections to the food supply industry for your generous contributions to help this worthy cause.

Thank you to Year 13 student, Kate Eastgate for the fabulous photos!

1st CARGILL                  
2nd STARK                    
3rd CHALMERS             
4th WILSON                 
5th HAMILTON             
6th WISHART                

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